To provide strategic advice and community engagement support for GDST’s planning application for new and improved educational facilities at Putney High School.
Cascade’s was also tasked with building long term relationships with the local community.
Our role
Cascade was appointed to manage public consultation and stakeholder engagement for proposals for a variation to the school’s s106 agreement to increase the number of pupils at the school and a separate planning application for landscaping improvements and temporary accommodation in advance of future proposals to redevelop other areas of the school.
Following the securing of planning approval in November 2017 for a variation of the school’s s106 agreement to increase pupil numbers in the secondary school and new temporary teaching accommodation, Cascade implemented a thorough programme of public consultation to promote Stage 2 of the school’s investment programme and to achieve buy-in from local councillors.
In September 2018, Wandsworth Council’s Planning Applications Committee approved the application, receiving cross-party support from both Conservative and Labour members.